All of us want to protect their family and house at all times. Even with the precautions you take, like an alarm system, beams or CCTV, you can’t prevent criminals from trying to break into your house.

Fog Bandit® active security system prevents criminals to access your home and if they get in they are chased outside in seconds without threatening your family members and stealing your valuables.

Burglars need only a few minutes to break into your house and they can quickly escape with your valuables before the police or security company have arrived on the spot.

Fog Bandit® fills the room with dense fog making it impossible for the criminal to see, steal or damage anything. 

The fog remains in the room about 30 minutes for the police to arrive. The fog is completely harmless  does not leave any residue and will not damage your property.

A modern design that matches your interior, the Bandit 320.

Fog Bandit® are elegantly designed to match with your interior decor. The color of the generator can be freely selected depending on the colors of your interior. If desired, we can also place a generator in your cabinet, completely out of sight. 

The Bandit 320 is the perfect device to secure your home and has already been installed worldwide by thousands of families

Advantages of active security 

  • Stops burglary and robbery in just a few seconds.
  • Works as stand-alone or can be connected to your alarm system.
  • Fog harmless for adults, children and pets.
  • Fog does not leave any residue and no stains on furniture.

Daems Bandit Security (PTY) Ltd.
Marc Daems
Somerset West
Phone 021 832 0960
Cell 072 922 3013 - 087 551 2832
[email protected]